As Washington’s second-oldest, the town of Coupeville serves as a hub for Whidbey Island. The small town is the county seat and houses the main county campus, home to WhidbeyHealth Medical Center and the Coupeville School District that draws students from throughout Central Whidbey Island. Located in the heart of Ebey’s Landing National Historical Reserve, many 19th Century buildings still stand as homes, restaurants and other small businesses.
At the heart of the reserve is a longstanding and thriving agricultural community, which provides produce to area farmer’s markets and restaurants. Being a central location on the island, Coupeville is home to a variety of festivals including the Penn Cove Water Festival, MusselFest, and the Coupeville Arts and Crafts Festival. It is also home to one of the oldest running Memorial Day Parades in the Nation.

- Coupeville Town Hall is located 4 NE Seventh Street across the street from the Island County campus. Townhall is where to go to apply for building permits and zoning changes. The town also operates a water system and wastewater treatment system that serves residents living within city limits. For information about the services provided by the town, go to
- Puget Sound Energy supplies power to Coupeville.
- The Town of Coupeville contracts with the Island County Sheriff’s Office to run its marshal’s office. The office is manned by Marshal Chris Garden and deputy
Leif Haugen.
- Many buildings scattered throughout town are listed on the National Historic Register. Owners of these buildings can get financial help maintaining them through grants from the Ebey’s Forever Fund. The fund over the past several years has doled out tens of thousands of dollars for projects that helped preserve the historic integrity of Central Whidbey.
- The Coupeville School District provides education for roughly 900 students from kindergarten through 12th-grade. Coupeville Elementary School is located at the corner of Highway 20 and South Main Street while Coupeville Middle School and High School is located on South Main Street at the intersection with Terry Road. For information about the Coupeville School District, go to
- County administrative offices are also located here. Residents can register to vote at the Island County Auditor’s Office on North Main Street; can take care of vehicle licenses at the county administration building, and hash out legal issues at the Law and Justice Center. All of those buildings are located within blocks of each other.
- The island’s public hospital, WhidbeyHealth, is also headquartered in Coupeville. The taxpayer-supported facility offers an emergency room along with an extensive list of medical services. A $55- million facility expansion is scheduled for completion this year. For information, go to
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